Thursday 18 August 2011

Ankle (Sprain) – instant relief

ankle sprain
Did you just wake up with an ankle sprain? Does your foot hurt real badly and you don’t know how to find relief?
Well, it happens!! Relax :)

First, relax and be patient. Since the feet bear the weight of the entire body, you might find it difficult to move or walk. Now, sometimes, critical injuries can cause critical sprains. When that happens, you might need surgeries. But, in an otherwise routine day, when you experience a slightly sprained ankle (which hurts nevertheless!) here is something that might help:

It’s called RICE!

Yes… R.I.C.E is the cure.

R: Rest
Don’t walk. Don’t move. Don’t go to work! Stay home. Sleep well. Relax. Rest. This is the first step.

I: Ice
Ice treatment always provides relief when it comes to an ankle sprain. Apply an icepack or hold ice to the wound immediately. This will also reduce swelling in the limb.

C: Compression
Tie up your ankle. This way dysfunction and pain is reduced. Compressing the injured region helps in healing it. This can be done along with a spray or medication along with the ice pack.

E: Elevate
Keep your foot above the heart level for at least an entire day. The pain will ease with proper blood circulation.  

You can also look up online healthcare services for instant tips and treatments!

Whiplash – Causes and Symptoms

If you must be wondering whether there is any disease such as whiplash, it is actually a non-medical term which describes neck pain which occurs after any injury to the soft tissues of the neck which is generally caused by the abnormal motion or force applied beyond the general range of motion of the neck.
This usually happens during accidents, falls, assault and sports. The term was first in usage in the year 1928 and it is still used to describe the soft tissue neck injury, though medically it may be known as acceleration flexion-extension neck injury and soft tissue cervical hyperextension injury.
The cause of such a condition is mostly car accidents. It is said that the speed of the car does not relate to the neck injury and one can have a whiplash irrespective of whether or not they wear a seatbelt. Child abuse, especially when shaking the child, can cause serious injuries to the child’s brain or spinal cord, as the healthcare experts say. Assault, or sports injury or blow from a falling object may also cause a whiplash. There can also be non-acute causes like repetitive stress injuries or chronic strain like holding phone with the neck.
The main symptoms of this condition are, obviously neck pain limiting the range of motion, neck swelling, muscle spasms, tenderness at the back of the neck, headache or pain shooting from the neck into the arms or shoulders. These symptoms may manifest either immediately or after some time of the initial injury. One should be aware that the sooner the symptoms manifest, the more serious is the injury.

Information on Impotence – Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction
In the case of misconception of a child, it is always the girl who gets the blame for infertility; although, it can also be the case of male erectile dysfunction, better called as impotency.
Impotency is the inability of the male to attain and keep the erection firm to engage in a sexual intercourse or complete it. Impotence can occur in any age but it is mostly seen in older men. It is not a natural phase of aging and it mostly happens due to diseases like atherosclerosis and diabetes or may be because of psychological factors, lifestyle, injury or medications.
Scientifically, it is a complex process to achieve an erection and if there is a disruption in the process like injury to muscles, nerves, blood vessels or any disease, it make achieving of erection difficult. Psychological factors like depression and anxiety also affect the erectile dysfunction. But the good part is that impotency is treatable. If the cause of impotency is determined, the healthcare experts can help to make customized treatment that can cure the cause and affecting factors. The treatment includes vacuum devices, psychotherapy, medications and surgery.
Impotence can be caused due to health problems affecting the whole body and so one should confide in and consult their physician if they have a problem attaining or maintaining an erection. Unlike the olden times, impotence id widely talked about now, and hence men are more comfortable to admit about their impotency and talk to the doctors. The current estimate of men affected by impotency in United States is between 15 and 30 million.

Enuresis (bed-wetting) – Causes and symptoms

Bed wetting is a very common problem among small children, around 5 to 6 years of age. For every individual child, the age for gaining control over the bladder and the toilet training is different, and when this happens even after the age has passed, it is called bed-wetting or nocturnal enuresis, and is very common. More than 5 million US children have this nocturnal enuresis.
It may also happen that children after proper toilet training and being dry for 6 months, start bed-wetting and this may be due to change in sleep, or physical or emotional changes. This is called secondary enuresis while primary enuresis is when the children have never really been dry at night. It occurs when the bladder is full overnight more than it can hold and the child does not respond to the signal of full bladder. It is the neither the fault of the child nor the parent. One should also consult the healthcare expert if there is a suspicion that this is a case of incontinence.
There may be physical causes for the same, like diabetes, infections or congenital malformations of genitourinary tract or lower spinal cord lesions. It could also be inherited. Its not uncommon when children over 10 and even some adults have bed-wetting episodes sometimes. The main symptom of enuresis is the involuntary urination that usually occurs at night at least twice per month.
If this problem becomes severe, it calls for medical attention and the doctor asks for the bed-wetting history of the child and also a physical examination to rule out the physical causes. Urinalysis helps to check whether there is any infection or diabetes. X-rays of the kidneys and bladders and other studies are not needed unless there is reason to suspect some other problems.
One should be aware about such causes and symptoms for better child care.

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Epilepsy – Causes and Symptoms

Epilepsy, in history, was known as madness when people were not aware about fits and seizures. It is also known as temporal lobe epilepsy or seizure disorder. It is actually a brain disorder in which a person experiences repeated convulsions over time. These seizures actually result due to the disturbed brain activity that causes changes in behavior and attention.
There can also be permanent changes in the brain tissue that can result in the brain being very excited, due to which epilepsy occurs. The brain sends out abnormal signals which cause unpredictable repeated seizures. Although one should know that a single seizure that is not repeated is not epilepsy. The causes of this disorder may be a brain injury or some medical injury that affects the brain or it may be idiopathic, that is, the cause may not be known.
Some of the common causes may be brain tumors, congenital metabolism disorders known as phenylketonuria, destruction of brain tissue by any illness, dementia or stroke, TIA – transient ischemic attack or infections like meningitis, AIDS, brain abscess, encephalitis or abnormal blood vessels in the brain. The epilepsy seizures are mostly experienced between the age of 5 and 20 but it can also happen later in life. According to healthcare experts, it may also be inherited due to family history.
The symptoms of this disorder vary in every individual and some may shake violently while other may have staring spells. That depends on the affected part of the brain and also the cause of the disorder. One should be alert and aware to prevent the epilepsy seizure.

Heart disease – why does it happen

Heart disease
There isn’t a specific definition for a heart disease because it can be of various types. But…. There can be specific reasons for its occurrence.

Unlike a cold or flu, the cardiac ailments are not contagious. You can’t get a heart attack because you stand beside a person who just had! Nevertheless, if your family has a history of such problems, then you may be genetically prone to it. But, problems can be evaded if you take care of your health.

Proper exec rise, healthy diet, walking, cycling, low colestrol intake, keeping your blood pressure in control, regular health checkup and fitness routines can help keep any heart disease at bay.

Chest pain, heart attacks or strokes are signs of heart problems. The main causes can be other health problems like obesity, blocked arteries, improper supply of oxygen in the blood or congenital defects. Habits like chain smoking and excessive intake alcohol can be detrimental as they enter the blood stream and affect the heart and other organs. The entire body is one unit and all organs are interrelated and connected. Since the heart is one of the main organs, which affects the supply of blood for functioning of all organs in the body, it simultaneously is also susceptible to problems due to other organs. As seen on online healthcare services and websites they always provide updates about health and fitness. It is evident that the heart may be affected by various factors and one must remina alert, aware and careful.

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Epilepsy – The myths and the science

An epileptic person is a medical patient with a brain disorder. Epilepsy is a condition when a person suffers from repeated seizures or convulsions. He loses control of his bodily actions and may lose consciousness. The most important thing to do is to let the seizure complete - which means, that the fit should run its course.

The old stories and ancient myths have it that such a person is possessed with spirits. Some notions also say that such a person may, in turn, possess powers that are superior to other human beings. On the health side, people use to believe that a person with epilepsy should be provided with a spoon or a stick to keep in the mouth; else, they would swallow their tongues. This is not only a myth; it is completely impossible looking at the human anatomy :)

But in simple words, the brain becomes abnormally “excited”. It starts sending abnormal signals without “thinking”. So basically, there is a chemical change in the brain. This is an interesting subject to read about and not many people know. Take a look at medical videos of the brain being examined. Many medical websites offer such info…. Explore!

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Arthritis and its Kinds

Arthritis is a medical condition that makes it difficult for a person to move or walk. Pain, swelling and stiffness are common symptoms of the joint for a person suffering from the condition. Amongst all the symptoms, the most common is severe pain. The main cause for this is inflammation near the join area. Other causes can include strain of the muscles, wear and tear of the joint, joint diseases. Such individuals are easily tired. The disease is generally seen in elder people.

There various kinds of Arthritis. To name a few:

Rheumatoid arthritis – this is a disorder where the systematic inflammation takes place in the joints, specifically those which are responsible for movement. The articular cartilage gets destroyed.

Psoriatic arthritis – This kind develops in people who have skin disease called the psoriasis – which is chronic in nature. Almost as high as 32% of the people with this disease, develop the psoriatic arthritic.

Septic arthritis –   This kind develops from infections in the area where bones meet in sockets making movement possible. This is common in people who have artificial limb aids to support their body.

But the regular arthritis that appears with age is more common. Doctors online are available to help and guide patients and are easy to communicate with. They can provide one with relevant guidance.

Common Acne issues and online healthcare products

The Acne is one problem that adolescent youngsters face. It’s really not a medical concern, but something that pretty young girls won’t like to sport on their face. SO how do we deal with it?
There are many products available in the markets that help treat such lesions. The latest trend of effective medication is international online healthcare products. These can easily be ordered from internet shops and are delivered at your doorstep.
Why it is useful to buy treatment products on the web is that all details and contents are given on the websites. You can easily research and find out about the authenticity of products and ingredients. Online forums and chat groups have individuals who have experienced the medication and give feedback about the same. Such discussions can help you decide whether you want to use them or not.
Acne basically appears as spots, generally in the facial region. It is formed due to dust accumulation, pollution, unhealthy eating habits, and increased fats in the body and so on. Sometimes water or puss may accumulate in the lesion. They heal naturally as well but may take longer and might be painful at times. The best medications are herbal products which seldom leave side effects and marks on the face. One has plenty of options available and can make a choice from them.

cervical cancer surgery

Cervical cancer
 Cervical cancer treatment has many options like conization procedure, simple or radical hysterectomy or radical trachelectomy. Large loop excision of the transformation zone (LLETZ) is also one of the alternatives. The surgeons should educate their patients about these surgery options and should spread awareness.
Simple or radical hysterectomy is the primary treatment and if there is a recurrence of cancerous tumor in the pelvis, the patient may need to undergo a more extreme process called the pelvic exenteration which involves the combination of removal of the bladder and rectum along with radical hysterectomy. In such cases, an artificial vagina may be created with the help of plastic surgery.
Another option is of radical trachelectomy keeps the fertility intact, unlike hysterectomy, and includes the removal of cervix, upper part of vagina and surrounding lymph nodes. The remaining vagina and uterus are then re-attached after the operation. This is a new development of relatively recent and complex process of 1995 and healthcare experts are needed to perform on potential candidates who meet the regulated criteria of lesion size and lymph node involvement. This form of procedure can be done on women with stage IA2 and stage 1B cancer and it poses a threat of miscarriage during future pregnancy. Though the experiences women have shared say that they have been able to carry a baby to term and delivered not through vaginal birth but through a caesarean section.
This procedure of cervical cancer surgery – hysterectomy – is considered to be a major surgery and requires considerable hospital stay. It uses wide abdominal incision but in some cases, experienced surgeons can use less invasive techniques for women with early cancer stages, with shorter recovery period.
There may be side-effects like encountering difficulty in emptying bowels or bladder or painful lower abdomen. It is very common to have urinary tract infections and other complications may include bladder dysfunction, cysts and fistulas.
One should be aware that menstruation ceases once the uterus is removed. Menopause symptoms begin when the ovaries are removed; surgical menopause has severe symptoms then natural menopause. Natural activities and intercourse can be resumed in 4-8 weeks and pros and cons of hormone replacement therapy should be discussed by the patient and doctor.

Thursday 21 July 2011

What is Breast wide excision and axillary sample?

Breast wide excision and axillary sample
Not many of us are aware about the real procedure and meaning of breast wide excision and axillary sample. If one has a small cancer or suspicious lump in the breast, the removal of the diseased part with a clear rim of the healthy breast and the removal of some glands from the axilla at the same time consists of the wide excision and axillary sample procedure. These glands are small cluster of cells connected to tiny draining pipes in the breast and axilla called lymphatics.
The glands get affected and get enlarged when the cancer cells or tumor is maligned and spreads through the body. These glands are removed, all of them from the armpit, which is known as axillary clearance. The breast tissues and the axilla glands are microscopically tested in the lab to determine if the lesion in the breast is cancer and whether it has spread to the axilla glands. The future course of treatment is decided upon these test results.
The operation procedure includes administering general anesthesia and then making an incision in the breast skin over the swelling. The problematic area with a rim of breast tissue or sometimes a piece of skin is taken out. The glands are often taken from the armpit through this incision, in case it is nearer or else second cut is made. This may result in slightly smaller breasts. The duration of operation can be around 45 minutes.  The fine plastic drainage tube in the wound is to drain any residual blood or other fluid and the skin is closed with stitches or steri-strips.
One should be very careful after the operation and should report in case of any abnormalities.

Curing Back Pain

Back pain is the most common complain of people of all ages due to today’s lifestyle. Working on computers, inactive lifestyle and obesity add up to stiffness of joints which results in the very common back pain.
Back pain can affect any of the 26 bones connected by muscles, ligaments and discs that make the spine. Back pain can be categorized into Postural syndrome, Derangement syndrome and Dysfunction syndrome. When the postures are not maintained correctly and the soft tissues of the spinal column get stressed due to that, it is called postural syndrome. When there is a slipped disc, the other tissues are tremendously pressurized and this is called derangement syndrome. The shortening of muscles, joints, ligaments and other tissues resulting in limited movement and sporadic back pain is called dysfunction syndrome.
Pain killers and gels are the common weapons against back pain but researchers say that weekly massage help people who suffer from chronic back pain. Massage therapy results in substantial improvement in the condition of back pain victims, but the positive effect tends to disappear in a year, which only shows that the therapy should be continued. There are many kinds of massage like relaxation or structural massage also known as Swedish massage. But it is said that lifestyle changes are often the best treatment. Many believe that for truly chronic pain problems, exercise programs are actually one of the mainstay treatments that will help people function better on a daily basis.
One should first try out the home remedies and give the body sufficient rest rather than swallowing pills.

Yellow Fever – Causes and symptoms

Yellow Fever
Yellow fever has nothing to do with jaundice and the color yellow. It is a viral infection transmitted by mosquito bites. The elderly are more prone to severe infection and the symptoms develop almost after 3-6 days. It is most commonly found in South America and in sub-Saharan Africa.
Yellow fever is like any other fever but it can be divided into 3 stages. The first stage is full of symptoms like muscle and joint aches, flushing, headache, fever, vomiting, loss of appetite and jaundice. The symptoms remain briefly and go away on their own after a while. The second stage is the period of remission where some may get healed after the symptoms go, and some may progress to the third and most dangerous stage of intoxication within 24 hours. The final stage is intoxication wherein multi-organ dysfunction occurs. People in this stage may encounter liver, heart or kidney failure, hemorrhage, bleeding disorders and brain dysfunction including seizures, delirium, shock, coma and death.
The symptoms may include heart dysfunction, arrhythmias, fever, headache, jaundice, bleeding which may result in hemorrhage, coma, delirium, decreased urination, muscle aches (myalgia), face, tongue, red eyes, seizures, vomiting blood etc.
The signs and tests for yellow fever may be advanced like renal failure, liver failure and shock. The doctor should be reported about all the areas where the fever is seemed to advance. The diagnosis for yellow fever can be confirmed by blood tests.
Though yellow fever has no specific treatment, the symptoms can be reduced. Fluids can be taken intravenously, blood products can be taken from severe bleeding and dialysis for kidney failure.

Bariatric surgery – for weight loss

weight loss
Weight loss surgeries have now become very common with obesity being the burning health issue of the nation and people also craving for perfect bodies. Severe obesity is the national disease of USA and mere diet control and exercises are not enough to control or cure it. So the surgery for weight-loss which removes the excess fat is called bariatric surgery, the medical name for weight loss surgery. It is one of the options, helpful to those who cannot loose weight by traditional means and suffer from obesity-related health issues.
The medical news by researchers suggests that a rigorous exercise routine after the surgery can help the patients to maintain the weight loss and avoid regaining weight. Bariatric surgery, which is typically reserved for people who are more than 100 pounds overweight, is commonly viewed as safe and effective. About 220,000 people had the procedure in 2009 alone, according to the American Society for Metabolic Surgery.
There are also alternative weight loss surgery types like different surgical procedures – laparoscopy, gastric bypass or lifts.  Laparoscopy procedure involves making tiny incisions while gastric bypass involves bigger wounds. It has become increasingly popular in US and can cost above $15000. The procedure includes removal of sheaves of loose skin combined with thigh lift, face lift, stomach, lower bosy or even whole body lift.
The bariatric surgery helps in weight loss and reduces type-2 diabetes by restricting food intake and interrupting digestive process for the prevention of absorption of specific calories and nutrients. It may also affect the mortality rate in obese patients. This surgery can give the best results if post operative care is taken religiously.

Vitamins – Vital for Good Health


The human body needs proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals and vitamins and other nutrients for a healthy existence. Among these, vitamins are significant as its deficiency results in many diseases. They are natural substances, found in plants and animals and the name is derived from “vital amines” as it was earlier supposed that all substances were amines. Vitamins support many important functions of the body and it can be basically divided into – water soluble and fat soluble vitamins.
The importance of vitamins is that it helps in regulating energy-producing processes and vitamins cannot be synthesized by the body and must be obtained from diet except of vitamin D and K. There are 13 different types of vitamins and each one has a special role to play in the body, like helping to regulate the processes such as cell growth and repair, reproduction and digestion; Vitamin B-6, Niacin, Natural Vitamin E and Zinc support sexual function in men.
Normal growth and development of a multi-cellular organism requires sufficient vitamins. Pregnant women should take care that a developing fetus requires the presence of several vitamins at certain times and if there is a deficiency, the child may also develop the deficiency disease. These deficiencies of vitamins can be classified as primary or secondary – Primary deficiency occurring due to lack of such food while absorption or use of vitamins.

Many diseases also have vitamins’ role in them; like the disease of mal-absorption can cause the vitamin deficiency and excess of vitamins may be used as drugs like niacin for hypercholesterolemia, while the deficiency and excess can cause disease in and of themselves e.g., vitamin A intoxication and liver disease. One should always have a healthy and wholesome diet for a healthy body.

Friday 15 July 2011

Breast Augmentation Facts

Breast Augmentation
Breast augmentation is becoming very common these days. Women today cannot do without perfect bodies and perfect assets and hence they go for breast enhancement or augmentation with implants. There has been much controversy regarding the silicon implants in the past, but the technology now promises to make it safe.
Before taking a highly important body-altering decision, one should keep in mind all the pros and cons of the change and the factors affecting it. One should consider that not everyone looks the same with such treatments and hence it should not be done to imitate somebody as this is a highly individualized decision.
There have been many reports where the silicon implants have broken inside or undesirable materials penetrate the tissues or breasts get hard with sun exposure, which is very dangerous. There are other options which should also be considered.

Monday 4 July 2011

A patient undergoing Otoscopy

bone density scans
If you are a patient undergoing Otoscopy don’t be worried. Unlike other medical procedures this is a relatively easy process that is carried out to inspect your ear.
When you feel pain in your ear or feel slight imbalance while walking, moving or performing any activity; your physician may recommend that you visit the Otoscopist or may give you an appointment for an otoscopic procedure.
You will be asked to sit on a stool or chair and tilt your head slightly. Your ear lobe will be pulled slightly so that the examiner can peer inside and see the ear drum. This is just initial, external, examination of the ear. Following this, the examiner will insert the otoscope into your ear so that he can view the internal parts of the tympanum clearly and check for any problems. The otoscope is a device use by the healthcare practitioner to inspect the ear. This device may have a small space or opening for air to pass. The doctor may blow into the device and see how the patient’s ear drums are receiving it. The ear canal is about 2 cm long in adults and plays an important role in helping the individual to listen clearly and respond to instructions.
For better clarity, go through medical videos on and you can also share your own experience there. Further still, on such websites sharing and gaining information is rapid and easy and you can easily make the most of it.

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Information on Blood-Tests

cholesterol blood test
Which is the simplest medical test that just pricks and needs no surgical instrument but a simple plain needle? The answer is medical blood tests. Blood testing is done by collecting a blood sample extracted from a vein in the arm or by using the fingerprick and then sending it to the lab for analysis. The blood test results determine the biochemical and physiological states like drug effectiveness, disease mineral content and organ function or drug tests. Though it is known as blood test, routine tests are done on plasma or serum rather than blood cells.

There are different types of blood tests like biochemical analysis or specialized blood tests like arterial blood gas or glucose test. Tests determining STD require fasting blood test wherein no food consumption is allowed 8-12 hours prior to blood sampling. Blood tests can be done for determining the lack or presence of various diseases like thyroid blood tests, liver blood tests, and blood tests for cancer, cholesterol blood tests or pregnancy blood tests.

Blood tests also have alternatives like saliva tests which prove to be more cost effective as researched by the scientists. A micro-chip called micro emulsion is developed by the researchers for blood tests which can be very cost effective. A lab-on-a-chip is developed that can diagnose diseases within 10 minutes and it is called Self-powered Integrated Microfluidic Blood Analysis System (SIMBAS).

Online healthcare services emphasize on checking and determining one’s blood group as it helps in case of emergency either for donation or for blood transfusion. There are many blood donation drives and camps wherein people donate blood and store it in blood banks for emergency cases. 15th June is celebrated as the World Blood Donor Day in many parts of the world.

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Child Healthcare - Fever

emergency medicine
Fever is the most common ailment in children when their body responses to foreign infections by increasing the body temperature. Every child passes through it once but one has to be concerned especially when the temperature is high.
Generally, the normal temperature is supposed to be 100.4ºF (38ºC) rectally, 99.5ºF (37.5ºC) orally and 99ºF (37.2ºC) axillary (armpit) temperature. So when the temperature rises slightly, it is called a mild fever while fever above 104 ºF is serious fever calling for emergency medicine.
Mild fever in children can be caused by viral and bacterial infections, common cold, ear infections, bronchitis, croup, gastroenteritis and many such common children ailments. It is also said that teething also might cause mild fever. Childhood vaccinations may also cause fever and the degree may vary on the type of vaccination. Other medically detailed information on childcare may also accessed through online healthcare services.
A child’s temperature should be rectally measured by inserting the thermometer tip in a child’s bottom. A child 3 months old or more can be checked orally. It can also be checked by his ear if proper technique is used. Tactile temperature is when the skin of the child is felt but it also depends upon the temperature of the person feeling the child’s skin. Generally, during a temperature check, digital thermometers are preferred widely as they are inexpensive and risk-free. Glass thermometers have to be taken care of and can prove to be toxic due to mercury.

Monday 16 May 2011

Pap Smear Test – Checking Signs of Cervical Cancer

pap smear testing
The Pap Smear test is also known cervical smear test or the papanicolaou test which is the screening test for cervical cancer. This test checks for the signs of cancer of the cervix which is a part of the uterus (womb). This test is named after its inventor, the prominent Greek doctor Georgios Papanikolaou.

The test actually looks out for signs of changing cells and any abnormality, before they turn cancerous. If they are caught and treated early, cervical cancer would not be life threatening and this speaks of the importance of the regular pap smear checks.

The procedure for pap smear test includes putting a special instrument called speculum into the vagina to open and collect a sample of cells to be checked under the microscope. It is advised that women should have their first pap smear test after they start having sex or at the age of 21, whichever comes first. In general, in countries where Pap smear screening is routine, it is recommended that females, age 18 to 65, who have had sex seek regular Pap smear testing.

                                                                                                                                                                                                   The results of the pap smear test, if normal, means the cells are normal and healthy but an abnormal result can imply many changes in the cells of the cervix. The abnormalities can be inflammation (irritation), abnormal cells, signs of cancer or advanced cancer. One should take regular pap smear test for a healthy cervix with the help of online healthcare services.

Monday 9 May 2011

Digital Mammoography – The doctor’s benefit

mammography equipment
Mammography is the procedure of examining breast tissues to detect early signs of breast cancer. It is the non-invasive, specific type of imaging while its output is called a mammogram. There have been recent advances in this field and one of them is Digital Mammography.

Digital mammography is also known as full field digital mammography (FFDM), in which digital receptors and computers are used instead of x-ray films. The solid state detectors (like in digital cameras) convert x-rays into electrical signals which are used to produce images of the breast that can be seen on a computer screen or printed on special film similar to conventional mammograms. Though this does not make much of a difference to the patient, one can know more about it by being aware of the online healthcare products.

The advantage of digital images is that the radiologist can zoom in and see the details clearly. The can also be electronically transported if breast specialists are to be consulted, also known as telemammography. Computer-aided detection (CAD) can find tumors that a radiologist might not spot. Once a CAD analysis has been done, a radiologist will do a visual check of those areas, and based on training and experience, decide how serious the mass may actually be.

Since last 5 years, 10% of American screening centers are using digital mammography. On the research horizon, the progress has been that the Stereo Digital Mammography makes 3-Dimensional images.

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Getting To Know Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

laparoscopic surgery
Pelvic inflammatory disease which is also commonly called as PID is a medical disorder in which there is an inflammation in one or both of the fallopian tubes. This term is widely used to indicate infections on different organs in the pelvic area, though it would be most specifically used to determine an inflammation of the fallopian tubes.
There are different reasons for pelvic inflation the most common being – sexual intercourse, certain vaginal infections or the occurrence of an intrauterine device (IUD) that has become a source of infection. Normally, the cervix doesn’t allow the bacteria to enter the uterus but in case of recent miscarriage, childbirth or a surgery the cervix may become enlarged or dilated allowing enough space for the bacteria to enter your body. One might have to go through pelvic laparoscopy if the condition becomes severe.
The symptoms of pelvic inflammatory disease includes severe pain, foul-smelling vaginal discharge, fever, menstrual irregularities, nausea, vomiting, pain during sexual intercourse, tenderness in the lower abdomen and pelvic region, pain during urination, fatigue etc. It is advisable that one consult a doctor as soon as they experience this.

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Pelvic Laparoscopy To Remove Ovarian Cyst

laparoscopy for endometriosis
Most of the females these days face the issue of Ovarian Cysts. Most of these cysts are tiny and is harmless as they automatically dissolve in a few weeks or month’s time without being treated. They might affect the Ovulation cycle a little but are simply harmless. The Ovarian cysts have become so common that most of the women don’t bother to consult gynecologists.
Though there are times, when these cysts develop inside the ovary and can cause complications in various ways. It is estimated that 1 out of 10 women normally suffers from this complication. Symptoms like ovarian cyst pelvic pain may occur and when this happen the women must understand that immediate medical attention is required. 

The aching can be serious or mild. To know what exactly is there inside your ovary Pelvic Laparoscopy is done. Several tests like CT scan, MRI and IVP would also help you to diagnose the problem. If you have a developed cyst that needs to be removed, then the gynecologists may do so by laparoscopic surgery

Laparoscopy is a kind of surgery in which four small cuts are made in the body of the patient. A camera is inserted inside the body that will help the surgeon to diagnose the problem and to operate accordingly.

Mammography Screening - Is It Important?

mammography screening
Is Mammography really necessary? This question is still unanswered. For 11 years a research was conducted in Cancer Research Institute of London that tracked 160,900 women. These participants were divided in 2 groups - Study group for the age of 40+ and Control group for the women ages 50+. Both these groups were offered annual mammography screenings. 

The deaths of the young women suffering from this disease have reduced to 17 percent, which doesn’t look like a positive figure. However, the study also established the fact that in this group of women 23 percent of them had at least one false-positive result, compared with 12 percent of older women.
One major drawback of Mammography Screening is that it is been said that the women are at risk of breast cancer from the radiations coming out of the screening. Therefore, the question still gains more weight age whether it important for everyone to go through Mammography screening. 

Manu researchers have concluded that regular X Rays and screening raises the risk of breast cancer in women with the breast cancer gene mutations BRCA1 or BRCA2 conducted by France's National Institute of Health and Medical Research. As per the researchers other researchers the yearly mammography screenings remain too doubtful to conclude that a net benefit accrues to women in the age-group of below 50.