Wednesday 18 May 2011

Child Healthcare - Fever

emergency medicine
Fever is the most common ailment in children when their body responses to foreign infections by increasing the body temperature. Every child passes through it once but one has to be concerned especially when the temperature is high.
Generally, the normal temperature is supposed to be 100.4ºF (38ºC) rectally, 99.5ºF (37.5ºC) orally and 99ºF (37.2ºC) axillary (armpit) temperature. So when the temperature rises slightly, it is called a mild fever while fever above 104 ºF is serious fever calling for emergency medicine.
Mild fever in children can be caused by viral and bacterial infections, common cold, ear infections, bronchitis, croup, gastroenteritis and many such common children ailments. It is also said that teething also might cause mild fever. Childhood vaccinations may also cause fever and the degree may vary on the type of vaccination. Other medically detailed information on childcare may also accessed through online healthcare services.
A child’s temperature should be rectally measured by inserting the thermometer tip in a child’s bottom. A child 3 months old or more can be checked orally. It can also be checked by his ear if proper technique is used. Tactile temperature is when the skin of the child is felt but it also depends upon the temperature of the person feeling the child’s skin. Generally, during a temperature check, digital thermometers are preferred widely as they are inexpensive and risk-free. Glass thermometers have to be taken care of and can prove to be toxic due to mercury.

Monday 16 May 2011

Pap Smear Test – Checking Signs of Cervical Cancer

pap smear testing
The Pap Smear test is also known cervical smear test or the papanicolaou test which is the screening test for cervical cancer. This test checks for the signs of cancer of the cervix which is a part of the uterus (womb). This test is named after its inventor, the prominent Greek doctor Georgios Papanikolaou.

The test actually looks out for signs of changing cells and any abnormality, before they turn cancerous. If they are caught and treated early, cervical cancer would not be life threatening and this speaks of the importance of the regular pap smear checks.

The procedure for pap smear test includes putting a special instrument called speculum into the vagina to open and collect a sample of cells to be checked under the microscope. It is advised that women should have their first pap smear test after they start having sex or at the age of 21, whichever comes first. In general, in countries where Pap smear screening is routine, it is recommended that females, age 18 to 65, who have had sex seek regular Pap smear testing.

                                                                                                                                                                                                   The results of the pap smear test, if normal, means the cells are normal and healthy but an abnormal result can imply many changes in the cells of the cervix. The abnormalities can be inflammation (irritation), abnormal cells, signs of cancer or advanced cancer. One should take regular pap smear test for a healthy cervix with the help of online healthcare services.

Monday 9 May 2011

Digital Mammoography – The doctor’s benefit

mammography equipment
Mammography is the procedure of examining breast tissues to detect early signs of breast cancer. It is the non-invasive, specific type of imaging while its output is called a mammogram. There have been recent advances in this field and one of them is Digital Mammography.

Digital mammography is also known as full field digital mammography (FFDM), in which digital receptors and computers are used instead of x-ray films. The solid state detectors (like in digital cameras) convert x-rays into electrical signals which are used to produce images of the breast that can be seen on a computer screen or printed on special film similar to conventional mammograms. Though this does not make much of a difference to the patient, one can know more about it by being aware of the online healthcare products.

The advantage of digital images is that the radiologist can zoom in and see the details clearly. The can also be electronically transported if breast specialists are to be consulted, also known as telemammography. Computer-aided detection (CAD) can find tumors that a radiologist might not spot. Once a CAD analysis has been done, a radiologist will do a visual check of those areas, and based on training and experience, decide how serious the mass may actually be.

Since last 5 years, 10% of American screening centers are using digital mammography. On the research horizon, the progress has been that the Stereo Digital Mammography makes 3-Dimensional images.