Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Getting To Know Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

laparoscopic surgery
Pelvic inflammatory disease which is also commonly called as PID is a medical disorder in which there is an inflammation in one or both of the fallopian tubes. This term is widely used to indicate infections on different organs in the pelvic area, though it would be most specifically used to determine an inflammation of the fallopian tubes.
There are different reasons for pelvic inflation the most common being – sexual intercourse, certain vaginal infections or the occurrence of an intrauterine device (IUD) that has become a source of infection. Normally, the cervix doesn’t allow the bacteria to enter the uterus but in case of recent miscarriage, childbirth or a surgery the cervix may become enlarged or dilated allowing enough space for the bacteria to enter your body. One might have to go through pelvic laparoscopy if the condition becomes severe.
The symptoms of pelvic inflammatory disease includes severe pain, foul-smelling vaginal discharge, fever, menstrual irregularities, nausea, vomiting, pain during sexual intercourse, tenderness in the lower abdomen and pelvic region, pain during urination, fatigue etc. It is advisable that one consult a doctor as soon as they experience this.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Pelvic Laparoscopy To Remove Ovarian Cyst

laparoscopy for endometriosis
Most of the females these days face the issue of Ovarian Cysts. Most of these cysts are tiny and is harmless as they automatically dissolve in a few weeks or month’s time without being treated. They might affect the Ovulation cycle a little but are simply harmless. The Ovarian cysts have become so common that most of the women don’t bother to consult gynecologists.
Though there are times, when these cysts develop inside the ovary and can cause complications in various ways. It is estimated that 1 out of 10 women normally suffers from this complication. Symptoms like ovarian cyst pelvic pain may occur and when this happen the women must understand that immediate medical attention is required. 

The aching can be serious or mild. To know what exactly is there inside your ovary Pelvic Laparoscopy is done. Several tests like CT scan, MRI and IVP would also help you to diagnose the problem. If you have a developed cyst that needs to be removed, then the gynecologists may do so by laparoscopic surgery

Laparoscopy is a kind of surgery in which four small cuts are made in the body of the patient. A camera is inserted inside the body that will help the surgeon to diagnose the problem and to operate accordingly.

Mammography Screening - Is It Important?

mammography screening
Is Mammography really necessary? This question is still unanswered. For 11 years a research was conducted in Cancer Research Institute of London that tracked 160,900 women. These participants were divided in 2 groups - Study group for the age of 40+ and Control group for the women ages 50+. Both these groups were offered annual mammography screenings. 

The deaths of the young women suffering from this disease have reduced to 17 percent, which doesn’t look like a positive figure. However, the study also established the fact that in this group of women 23 percent of them had at least one false-positive result, compared with 12 percent of older women.
One major drawback of Mammography Screening is that it is been said that the women are at risk of breast cancer from the radiations coming out of the screening. Therefore, the question still gains more weight age whether it important for everyone to go through Mammography screening. 

Manu researchers have concluded that regular X Rays and screening raises the risk of breast cancer in women with the breast cancer gene mutations BRCA1 or BRCA2 conducted by France's National Institute of Health and Medical Research. As per the researchers other researchers the yearly mammography screenings remain too doubtful to conclude that a net benefit accrues to women in the age-group of below 50.